January General Body and Scholarship Meeting
1/27/22, 7:00pm, MS Teams

Meeting Notes
Board updates

Open Positions– See website for descriptions 

  • Outreach Chair
  • Nominating Committee

Upcoming Openings
With growing families and careers both our section’s current President, Bridget Dixon, and Treasurer, Ariel Judd, have announced that they will be stepping down from the executive board at the end of this fiscal year. If you are interested in learning about the positions on the board, such as the responsibilities and time commitment, we encourage you to email us. The Nominating Committee, once formed, will be accepting nominations for all board positions and administering elections in the spring.

Half year memberships now available
Interested in joining SWE or looking to still renew for the current fiscal year? Half year memberships are now available for 50% off the full-year price. Renewing members should enter FY22HALFOFF on the check-out page to receive the discount. This offer is automatically applied to the pricing at check-out for NEW members. Act fast to take full advantage of the discounted rate and gain full access to all that SWE offers before it expires on March 30, 2022. Memberships will be good through June 30, 2022. Join at SWE.org.

Note: This discount is only available for regular Professional and Collegiate memberships and does not apply to Life Membership, C2C membership, joint membership options or Back to School membership options. Any questions can be sent to membership@swe.org.

Upcoming Events

  • April- WE Local Buffalo
    • April 8-9, 2022, Buffalo, NY
    • Registration is OPEN. Conference details and registration information available on the conference website.
    • Please let us know if you will be attending, we’d like to coordinate something with any Greater Syracuse Area members who are at the conference.

  • General Body Meetings as needed (virtual)

We have officially kicked off our 32nd Annual Scholarship Program! The committee is pleased to welcome Kristin Angello, who will be serving as the Reception Coordinator, as well as welcome back Lexie Stoyell, who will be returning for her second year as the Sponsorship Coordinator. Section Vice President Valerie Countryman will be serving as Committee Co-Chair. We are still looking for general volunteers and for application reviewers, if interested in being involved, please email the scholarship committee at SyracuseSWE.Scholarship@gmail.com.

Application information was sent to local high schools in early January and previous sponsors have also been contacted. Both application and sponsorship information can also be found on our website.

Additionally, the committee is seeking suggestions for the Keynote Speaker for this year’s reception, to be held on May 23rd in the Syracuse area. If you would like to nominate a speaker, please fill out the form on our website by March 4th.

Outreach Ideas
We are currently reaching out about the following events and will communicate details once determined. Additional suggestions (with contact info) are always appreciated!

  • CITI BOCES Career Connections (Virtual)
    • We are partnering with CITI BOCES to offer meaningful, career-specific connections for students across New York state and are looking for volunteers to participate. We will be live streaming to middle and high school students, providing insight on our day to day career lives as well as providing background information about our education, job search, and career goals.  At the end of the short (~10 minute) presentation, the students will be able to ask questions about your experiences and future plans. We’d love to hear from women of varying experience levels and disciplines of engineering – this provides the students with a more thorough understanding of the process involved with becoming an engineer. 

This opportunity will be facilitated through BOCES. Volunteers must be SWE members. The date and time will be flexible to accommodate schedules but participants must be able to commit roughly 30 minutes during business hours. This is an ongoing opportunity throughout the academic year. If you are interested in giving back to students through presentations, please let us know.   

November General Body and Scholarship Meeting
11/18/21, 7:15pm, MS Teams        
Meeting Notes
Board updates

    Open Positions- See website for descriptions 

  • Outreach Chair
  • Scholarship Committee Chair
  • Scholarship Reception Coordinator
  • Scholarship Sponsorship Coordinator

Upcoming Events

  • Technical Seminar “Recent Drinking Water Design Projects in the CNY Region” (Hybrid)
    • When: Monday, December 6th
    • Time: 5:30pm
    • Where: Hybrid- remote via Zoom and in-person at
    •              Barton & Loguidice, 443 Electronics Pkwy, Liverpool, NY 13088 
    • RSVP: Here
    • Full topic description and presenter information available on our website. A light dinner will be provided for in-person participants.
  • December- Holiday Dinner
    • When: Thursday, December 16th 
    • Time: 5:30pm
    • Location: TBD
    • Cost: $20/non-members, $15/members
    • RSVP and payment link will be provided once location has been confirmed
  • April- WE Local Buffalo
    • April 8-9, 2022, Buffalo, NY
    • Registration is OPEN. Conference details and registration information available on the conference website.

  • General Body Meetings as needed (virtual)

We have officially kicked off our 32nd Annual Scholarship Program! Kara DiNatale will once again be serving as the Application Coordinator but, as listed above, we are seeking volunteers for all other positions as well as general committee members. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information please respond to this email. 2022 applications and sponsorship forms will be available in January.

Outreach Ideas
We are currently reaching out about the following events and will communicate details once determined. Additional suggestions (with contact info) are always appreciated!

  • CITI BOCES Career Connections (Virtual)
    • We are partnering with CITI BOCES to offer meaningful, career-specific connections for students across New York state and are looking for volunteers to participate. We will be live streaming to middle and high school students, providing insight on our day to day career lives as well as providing background information about our education, job search, and career goals.  At the end of the short (~10 minute) presentation, the students will be able to ask questions about your experiences and future plans. We’d love to hear from women of varying experience levels and disciplines of engineering – this provides the students with a more thorough understanding of the process involved with becoming an engineer. 
    • This opportunity will be facilitated through BOCES. Volunteers must be SWE members. The date and time will be flexible to accommodate schedules but participants must be able to commit roughly 30 minutes during business hours. This is an ongoing opportunity throughout the academic year. If you are interested in giving back to students through presentations, please let us know by 1/15 to participate in the 2nd round, which will happen in the spring .  

September General Body Meeting   
9/13/21, 5:30pm, Clay Central Park        
Meeting Notes
Board updates
SU Liaison

  • We are pleased to welcome Lynne Ecker to our leadership team. Lynne relocated to the greater Syracuse area during FY21 and she has volunteered to serve as our liaison with the Syracuse University SWE section for FY22.

Outreach Chair- OPEN

  • The Outreach Chair serves as the main point of contact regarding the section’s outreach activities not including the scholarship program. They also are responsible for leading the coordination of those activities. Please email us at syracuseSWE@gmail.com for more information.

Upcoming Events

  • October- Annual Fall Outing with SU (in person)
    • The event will take place on a weekend in mid to late October.
    • The last couple years we have gone apple picking with SU at Beak and Skiff Orchards. This year we are looking to change things up from recent years and would appreciate your input. 
    • Please email us at syracuseSWE@gmail.com no later than Friday, September 24th with your vote for either apple picking or pumpkin picking, and any locations you’d like to suggest.
  • October- WE21, Annual Conference of the Society of Women Engineers
    • October 21-23, Indianapolis, IN (virtual conference also available)
    • More information can be found on the official conference website:  https://we21.swe.org/
  • November- PDH Seminar (virtual)
    • Tentative,  topic, speaker, and date to come
    • If you would like to provide the seminar or if you know someone that would please let us know.
    • Date and subject will be selected by the end of October.
  • December- Holiday Event
    • Tentative, details to come, but suggestions welcome!
  • April- WE Local Buffalo
    • April 8-9, 2022, Buffalo, NY
    • The Society is looking for SWE members to volunteer with the Local Host Committee. Volunteers are needed to help with community relations, social media, SWENext, and conference programming. For more information or to volunteer, please email welocal@swe.org.
  • General Body Meetings as needed (virtual)

Outreach Ideas
We are currently reaching out about the following events and will communicate details once determined. Additional suggestions (with contact info) are always appreciated!

  • CITI BOCES Career Connections (Virtual)
    • We are partnering with CITI BOCES to offer meaningful, career-specific connections for students across New York state and are looking for volunteers to participate. We will be live streaming to middle and high school students, providing insight on our day to day career lives as well as providing background information about our education, job search, and career goals.  At the end of the short (~10 minute) presentation, the students will be able to ask questions about your experiences and future plans. We’d love to hear from women of varying experience levels and disciplines of engineering – this provides the students with a more thorough understanding of the process involved with becoming an engineer. 
    • This opportunity will be facilitated through BOCES. Volunteers must be SWE members. The date and time will be flexible to accommodate schedules but participants must be able to commit roughly 30 minutes during business hours. This is an ongoing opportunity throughout the academic year. If you are interested in giving back to students through presentations, please let us know by 10/15 to participate in the first round, which will happen in November .